If you want your CoolSculpting results to last longer, then you have to get moving! Getting some physical activity into your day is necessary for your general health, burns calories and maintains lean muscle mass, which all keep those love handles and saddlebags away.
But what if you’re a non-exerciser?
If you’ve never been to the gym or hate anything that makes you sweaty, don’t worry — you don’t have to do either.
Here are some tips to get your started:
- Talk to your primary care physician first before you start any exercise regimen. You need to make sure that you’ll be able to handle the increase in physical activity.
- Start off SLOWLY! Your body needs time to adjust to your newfangled ways. A great way to start getting more physical activity into your day is to walk. Walking is low-impact, low-intensity and free! Just slip on some comfortable shoes and take a leisurely walk around your neighbourhood. Then, when it gets too easy, try picking up the pace and going for longer distances.
- If you have the financial means, hire yourself a personal trainer. They’ll design a customized training schedule that will help you achieve your fitness goals faster. They’ll also motivate you and watch that you do each exercise properly.
- Find the right gym. If you want to join a gym, take a tour first. You’ll be shown around and taught how to use all that intimidating gym equipment. Plus, you’ll also be able to get a feel of the other members. Make sure you feel comfortable there, as it’ll make going easier.
- Schedule it into your day. It’s easier to get your daily dose of activity if you schedule it in at a certain time. After all, most of us are creatures of habit.