We all have some form of make up in our handbags depending on our day ahead. If you’re like me, it will be minimal. All I go for is a lip balm, lipstick and lip gloss, and I’ll keep a power compact in there just in case. I find lately I have less and less time to put any makeup on in the morning. So I invested in a compact, which has eye shadow, blush, lipstick, translucent stay powder and compact powder. I just keep mascara and eyeliner in my bag. However it’s hard to get a make up compact that has a good array of colours, I find I only use the one colour out of everything so I decided I would put together a proper make up bag to go into my handbag, that will cover the essentials. Feel free to suggest other items!
- Make up wipes; I always mess up my eyeliner.
- Fountain what ever your shade is and whatever tool of choice you use to put it on, sponge or brush.
- Or if you’re like me a try a powder fountain for quick and easy application.
- An eye shadow palette, you know what colours suit you but if all else fails go for natural tones, browns, neutral shimmers, beiges.
- Mascara, enough said.
- Eyeliner, I always go for black its simple and works with most colours.
- Lip Balm something with loads of vitamins and minerals to help out your lips.
- Lipstick, if you have a favourite shade, if not try a natural colour just above you own.
- Lip gloss, pick a clear colour, so it can go over whatever lipstick you are feeling for the day.
- Bronzer, I am so pale I need this to add an extra bit off colour to my face, however I know a lot of women out there a lucky enough to not need this, am rightly jealous of you ladies!
- A few spare brushes, mirror, brow pencil, and if you need an eyelash curler.
So you’re set, for both day and night :)